Vanguard Home Finance

“No One Will Beat Our Rates…Period.”

Thank you for visiting the Vanguard Home Finance website!  We at Vanguard believe that the transaction costs involved with purchasing or refinancing a home are way too high.  So, we are doing our part to reduce your costs!

At Vanguard, we only charge a low fee to originate, process, and close your home loan.  We do this by keeping our overhead expenses low and then pass the savings to our clients. Further, our rates are consistently up to 1/2 percentage point lower than ANY of our competitors…with no “junk” fees added in!

To take advantage of the savings, we recommend you start with an absolutely FREE pre-approval.  Just click on “Get PreApproved – It’s Free” at the top of our homepage.  Complete the brief information then click on “Send.” We will have everything we need to get started and will contact you right away with the results of our analysis.  Again, thank you for visiting. We look forward to serving you and saving you a lot of money!

Home Financing Experts Serving Marana, Dove Mountain, Tucson, Pima County, and Surrounding Areas!